Key research questions to ask B2B and B2C users.

Asking the right questions starts with the actual form of the questions you ask. Above all else, they should be open-ended, non-leading, non-specific questions that let the person fill in the details of the answer.

Why that — and this guide — is so important: if you only ask a user about the software she’s using, you won’t get any information about the other factors that may be directly responsible for the issues at hand. The software may very well suck — but if there’s a process or policy in place that doesn’t allow that person enough time or give them the right data to do their job, that’s the real issue

And if you aren't aware that's the real issue, the person and the organization will still have the same problem after the redesign launches or your engagement is over.

Not only is that bad for the organization, it’s bad for you too, because in the organization’s eyes they’ve just invested a great deal of time and money on... well... nothing.

But Joe, aren't there more questions I can ask? 

Sure — hundreds, in fact.

But in the majority of circumstances, no one has the time (or the budget) to ask or answer all of them. So I’ve learned to focus on the questions that deliver the most valuable information back to the team. Questions that focus on the underlying causes of most UX problems.

That’s what you’ll find in this cheat sheet. 

I truly hope it helps you uncover great insights and GIVE GOOD UX ;-)

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