Using the most powerful, impactful and effective UX tool in your arsenal: the whiteboard.

I'd like to tell you a story about the power of the whiteboard — and why it's my go-to tool. In fact, it's the only one I  use when working with clients. 

Here's the story: a client I worked with a while back came to me because they were in a bad situation. They received government grants to develop projects. And the conditions for receiving that money meant that the requirements for those projects.

In other words, whatever they build has to be a exact match — zero room for deviation — to the specifications and functionality and requirements they listed in their funding application.

They started this latest project in February. When the software was actually launched, in December, what they had built was 180 degrees different from what they had proposed.
The result?

They lost their funding, they lost all their reimbursements and they took a massive financial beating on that particular project.

So the question on everybody's lips was "how the hell did this happen? How could we have possibly wound up here?"

I answered that question — and solved the underlying problem for good — with three markers and a whiteboard. This one tool is how I got everybody involved — especially executives — to see the critical necessity of changing the way they did things.

The whiteboard work I did uncovered where the problems existed, and set the stage for creating a strategic plan to make sure we solved them. Permanently.

In this mini-course you'll see how whiteboarding opens doors that would otherwise remain shut. 

You'll see how it creates a very receptive audience for whatever research or work or improvements you're proposing. 

The key to getting people to get on board with you, to row in your direction, is first making sure that they absolutely see that there's a problem in the first place.

And second, you have to make that problem real to them.

Whiteboarding does that better, faster and more effectively than any tool I have ever used. 

I'd like to show you why.

4 Lessons

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01: A Walk through the Weeds

02: Whiteboarding Goals – what you need to know

03: Joe's Process – Step-by-Step Walkthrough

04: Whiteboarding Rules to Remember