SATURDAY SEPT. 7, 2024 • 11:00 AM EDT
Of all the types of apps, sites and systems we're asked to tackle as UX and Product Designers, none are more challenging — on more levels — than those built for B2B or internal enterprise use.
From data and information complexity to multiple points of integration with other systems to the sheer volume of information that needs to be shown on every screen, delivering a UI that's clear, intuitive and efficient to use is a daunting task indeed.
In these instances, you need an entirely different set of rules for design than for commercial apps and sites.
So in this live session, I'm going to walk you through ironclad UI rules and guidelines that create instant improvements — not just in appearance, but in perception, cognitive load, speed, accuracy and efficiency — across the following components of enterprise applications:
- Navigation
- Filters
- Dashboards
- Data Tables
- Content
- Controls
- Containers
- Labels
- Forms
- Icons
- Modal dialogs
I'm going to show you how to think and act small — in order to get BIG wins.
The mistake that's easiest for all of us to make is to try and tackle the inherent complexity of enterprise systems like any other redesign or improvement project.
To think big and address every UX or UI issue on display. Because let's face it — there are a LOT of them to choose from ;-)
But that's why real progress never happens.
It's why the backlog grows faster than the rate of any real improvement for these systems or the humans that depend on them.
By the time we're done, you'll see how even the smallest changes — when extended across a large system — can make a massive difference in the usefulness, usability and value of that system, both for users and for your organization.
I look forward to making your workload a little smaller — and the task in front of you a lot less daunting.
3 Lessons
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Recording Part 01 – LIVE workshop 09.07.2024

Recording Part 02 – LIVE workshop 09.07.2024